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Title: 2.4a3: unhelpful error message from distutils
Type: Stage:
Components: Distutils Versions: Python 2.4
Status: closed Resolution: fixed
Dependencies: Superseder:
Assigned To: Nosy List: anthonybaxter, effbot, mdehoon, nobody, theller, tzot
Priority: normal Keywords:

Created on 2004-09-03 11:34 by effbot, last changed 2022-04-11 14:56 by admin. This issue is now closed.

Messages (20)
msg22315 - (view) Author: Fredrik Lundh (effbot) * (Python committer) Date: 2004-09-03 11:34
C:\somewhere> python
Python 2.4a3 (#56, Sep  2 2004, 20:50:21) ...

C:\somewhere> python build
running build_ext
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 19, in ?
    ext_modules = [
  File "C:\python24\lib\distutils\", line 150, in 
  File "C:\python24\lib\distutils\", line 991, in 
  File "C:\python24\lib\distutils\", line 1011, in 
  File "C:\python24\lib\distutils\command\", 
line 243, in run
  File "C:\python24\lib\distutils\", line 1177, 
in new_compiler
    return klass (None, dry_run, force)
  File "C:\python24\lib\distutils\", line 
206, in __init__
    self.__macros = MacroExpander(self.__version)
  File "C:\python24\lib\distutils\", line 
112, in __init__
  File "C:\python24\lib\distutils\", line 
128, in load_macros
net, "sdkinstallrootv1.1")
  File "C:\python24\lib\distutils\", line 
118, in set_macro
    self.macros["$(%s)" % macro] = d[key]
KeyError: 'sdkinstallrootv1.1'

I suppose it's trying to tell me something, but I'm not 
sure what.

msg22316 - (view) Author: Anthony Baxter (anthonybaxter) (Python triager) Date: 2004-10-13 15:11
Logged In: YES 

It looks (to me) like it's expecting you to have some
additional package (Framework SDK?) installed. The code in
question was added as part of the MSVC7 support - are you
building with MSVC6? 
msg22317 - (view) Author: Fredrik Lundh (effbot) * (Python committer) Date: 2004-10-13 15:29
Logged In: YES 

If I'm using the wrong compiler, distutils should say so, 
instead of showing me a 10-level KeyError traceback...
msg22318 - (view) Author: Anthony Baxter (anthonybaxter) (Python triager) Date: 2004-10-13 15:56
Logged In: YES 

Yep. Can you produce a small patch for this? I have no
access to MSVC 6 or 7 (in fact, my Windows box won't even
boot at the moment).
msg22319 - (view) Author: Michiel de Hoon (mdehoon) * Date: 2004-10-18 05:44
Logged In: YES 

Note that the same error occurs with python install
(using Python 2.4b1):

C:\somewhere> python build
  File "c:\Python24\lib\distutils\", line
118, in set_macro
    self.macros["$(%s)" % macro] = d[key]
KeyError: 'sdkinstallrootv1.1'

Using MinGW for the compilation works:

C:\somewhere> python build --compiler=mingw32
compiles without errors. However, the install still fails:

C:\somewhere> python install
  File "c:\Python24\lib\distutils\", line
118, in set_macro
    self.macros["$(%s)" % macro] = d[key]
KeyError: 'sdkinstallrootv1.1'

msg22320 - (view) Author: Χρήστος Γεωργίου (Christos Georgiou) (tzot) * Date: 2004-11-22 11:05
Logged In: YES 

I get the same message trying to build PIL with 2.4rc1,
having installed the VC++ toolkit (free command line
compiler), so it's not a problem of VS 6.  I assume/fear
that the .NET SDK framework needs to be installed.
msg22321 - (view) Author: Χρήστος Γεωργίου (Christos Georgiou) (tzot) * Date: 2004-11-22 11:07
Logged In: YES 

I get the same message trying to build PIL with 2.4rc1,
having installed the VC++ toolkit (free command line
compiler), so it's not a problem of VS 6.  I assume/fear
that the .NET SDK framework needs to be installed.
msg22322 - (view) Author: Χρήστος Γεωργίου (Christos Georgiou) (tzot) * Date: 2004-11-22 11:08
Logged In: YES 

I get the same message trying to build PIL with 2.4rc1,
having installed the VC++ toolkit (free command line
compiler), so it's not a problem of VS 6.  I assume/fear
that the .NET SDK framework needs to be installed.
msg22323 - (view) Author: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody) Date: 2004-11-22 11:08
Logged In: NO 

I get the same message trying to build PIL with 2.4rc1,
having installed the VC++ toolkit (free command line
compiler), so it's not a problem of VS 6.  I assume/fear
that the .NET SDK framework needs to be installed.
msg22324 - (view) Author: Χρήστος Γεωργίου (Christos Georgiou) (tzot) * Date: 2004-11-22 15:00
Logged In: YES 

Please forgive my previous quadruple followup.

This page (
) is relevant.  The message about sdkinstallroot1.1 should
be related to the .NET Framework SDK v1.1 not being installed.

I would wrap the offending line in load_macros function and
throw an exception with more informative args.  Do you want
me to?

PS I attempted to "pass" the failing statement in line 128
(in the load_macros function); building Imaging complains
that VS 7.1 is not installed.
msg22325 - (view) Author: Fredrik Lundh (effbot) * (Python committer) Date: 2004-11-22 19:00
Logged In: YES 

"I would wrap the offending line in load_macros function and
throw an exception with more informative args.  Do you want
me to?"

Makes sense to me.
msg22326 - (view) Author: Χρήστος Γεωργίου (Christos Georgiou) (tzot) * Date: 2004-11-23 14:18
Logged In: YES 

Please check patch 1071739.

The updated report is:

D:\SRC\Imaging-1.1.5b1>python build_ext -i
running build_ext
error: The .NET Framework SDK needs to be installed before
building extensions for Python.
msg22327 - (view) Author: Michiel de Hoon (mdehoon) * Date: 2004-11-28 13:29
Logged In: YES 

The patch probably works fine for Microsoft users, but now
gcc users get an unhelpful error message:

$ /cygdrive/c/Python24/python build --compiler=mingw32
... runs fine, using gcc compiler ...
... now let's try to make the installer:
$ /cygdrive/c/Python24/python bdist_wininst
running bdist_wininst
running build
running build_py
running build_ext
error: The .NET Framework SDK needs to be installed before
building extensions for Python.

I'm not sure why distutils is running To
check if all components have been compiled and are ready to
be included into the installer, it shouldn't matter which
compiler was used during the build step.
msg22328 - (view) Author: Fredrik Lundh (effbot) * (Python committer) Date: 2004-11-28 14:09
Logged In: YES 

The patch only changed the error message; earlier versions 
gave a KeyError exception.  Are you really claiming that this 
worked in earlier 2.4 releases?

Does it work if you pass in the --compiler switch to 
msg22329 - (view) Author: Michiel de Hoon (mdehoon) * Date: 2004-11-29 03:08
Logged In: YES 

> Are you really claiming that this worked in earlier 2.4

No, it didn't work for any of the 2.4 releases, but it did
work for Python 2.3 and 2.2:

$ /cygdrive/c/Python23/python build --compiler=mingw32
... compiles the extension module using gcc
$ /cygdrive/c/Python23/python bdist_wininst
running bdist_wininst
running build
running build_py
running build_ext
installing to build\bdist.win32\wininst
running install_lib
.... creates the installer.

> Does it work if you pass in the --compiler switch to 

No, it doesn't, I get the following error message:

$ /cygdrive/c/Python24/python bdist_wininst
usage: [global_opts] cmd1 [cmd1_opts] [cmd2
[cmd2_opts] ...]
   or: --help [cmd1 cmd2 ...]
   or: --help-commands
   or: cmd --help

error: option --compiler not recognized

This makes sense, because no compilation is needed to create
the installer.

From looking at, it looks like the problem
is that self.__macros = MacroExpander(self.__version) is
called when creating the MSVCCompiler, before we know if
anything is left that still needs to be compiled. 

A solution might be to leave self.__macros None in __init__,
and check it in the compile function. If it is still None
there, we can make the call to MacroExpander then. Users of
gcc will not need to run MSVCCompiler's compile function, so
they will not run into MacroExpander.

There is one remaining problem in __init__:

if len (self.__paths) == 0:
    raise DistutilsPlatformError, \
          ("Python was built with version %s of Visual Studio, "
           "and extensions need to be built with the same "
           "version of the compiler, but it isn't
installed." % self.__version)

Is this true? It would imply that gcc can't be used at all.
However, extension modules built with gcc seem to work
correctly with Python 2.4, as far as I can tell.
msg22330 - (view) Author: Fredrik Lundh (effbot) * (Python committer) Date: 2004-11-29 06:54
Logged In: YES 

> This makes sense, because no compilation is needed to 
create the installer.

That's an incorrect assumption: bdist_wininst does a 
full "build" before it builds the installer.  All standard distutils 
commands work this way; you don't have to run them in any 
specific order.

I suggest you open a new, more specific bug ("bdist_wininst 
relies on msvccompiler"), and follow up with a message to the 

It might be too late for 2.4 (it's been this way through the 
alpha and beta releases, without anyone noticing), but 
maybe some distutils expert can come up with a workaround 
(or explain how this really is supposed to work).
msg22331 - (view) Author: Michiel de Hoon (mdehoon) * Date: 2004-11-30 10:13
Logged In: YES 

>I suggest you open a new, more specific bug ("bdist_wininst 
> relies on msvccompiler"), and follow up with a message to
> the python-dev.

Well this is a severe bug in Python 2.4: Users of compilers
other than Microsoft can no longer build extension modules
for Python on Windows. (Well they can build one, but they
cannot install it nor create a binary installer). So I wrote
a patch for and submitted it to sourceforge
(see patch 1075887). Could you do me a favor and have a look
at this patch (or have somebody else look at it)? There are
lots of patches for Python 2.4 already, some very old, and
I'm worried that it may take a long time before this gets fixed.
msg22332 - (view) Author: Thomas Heller (theller) * (Python committer) Date: 2004-11-30 12:13
Logged In: YES 

The solution or workaround is to either run
'python build --compiler=whatever bdist_wininst'
or insert 'compiler=whatever' in a setup.cfg file.

I have explained this several times, IMO something should be
added to the distutils documentation about this (but I don't
have the time).
msg22333 - (view) Author: Michiel de Hoon (mdehoon) * Date: 2004-11-30 13:26
Logged In: YES 

> python build --compiler=whatever bdist_wininst

This worked for me (with Python 2.4 final, without any
patch). I wasn't aware that this simple solution existed.
You're right, this should be in the documentation. Many thanks.
msg22334 - (view) Author: Fredrik Lundh (effbot) * (Python committer) Date: 2004-12-27 15:11
Logged In: YES 

Original issue fixed in 2.4 final.
Date User Action Args
2022-04-11 14:56:06adminsetgithub: 40860
2004-09-03 11:34:48effbotcreate