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Title: module wave does no rounding
Type: behavior Stage: resolved
Components: Library (Lib) Versions: Python 3.1, Python 3.2, Python 2.7
Status: closed Resolution: fixed
Dependencies: Superseder:
Assigned To: mark.dickinson Nosy List: Red HamsterX, gpk, mark.dickinson
Priority: low Keywords: patch

Created on 2006-06-26 15:16 by gpk, last changed 2022-04-11 14:56 by admin. This issue is now closed.

File name Uploaded Description Edit
1512791[2.7].diff Red HamsterX, 2009-07-29 00:23 Patch containing unit test and solution for Python 2.7
1512791[3.2].diff Red HamsterX, 2009-07-29 00:27 Patch containing unit test and solution for Python 3.2
Messages (10)
msg60930 - (view) Author: Greg Kochanski (gpk) Date: 2006-06-26 15:16
In, a floating point frame rate is truncated
(rather than rounded) in function _write_header().

Fractional frame rates are perfectly reasonable,
even if not normally seen in audio practice,
and the software ought to represent them as accurately
as possible.

Moreover, it's sometimes reasonable to store the
inverse of the frame rate, which is the time
interval between frames.   That's important
when you're doing signal processing, and some
data formats store 1.0/framerate rather than

Anyhow, if you give setframerate() a float,
it truncates rather than rounding, so
dt = 1.0/44100
setframerate(1.0/dt)  can end up setting
the frame rate to 44099 Hz in the resulting
data file.

The fix is to change the last line of setframerate() to
self._framerate = int(round(framerate))
That also has the beneficial side-effect of giving
an earlier error report in case someone gives
the wrong type of object to setframerate()
(such as None, or "44100", or some class).
msg91026 - (view) Author: Neil Tallim (Red HamsterX) Date: 2009-07-29 00:23
Attached a patch with a unit test and solution for this problem.

Patch built against Python 2.7, r74246.

Note: It may make more sense to just have wave.setframerate() assert
that it is being fed an integer, and that's a simple fix that won't
require a test. However, that's not what was approved for testing, so
that's not what I wrote.
msg91027 - (view) Author: Neil Tallim (Red HamsterX) Date: 2009-07-29 00:27
Attached a patch with a unit test and solution for this problem.

Patch built against Python 3.2, r74246.

Note: with Python 3.2, an error was thrown if the input value wasn't an
integer because a deprecated struct-related cast was removed. It's
debatable whether we want to actually apply this patch, since the error
couldn't manifest in this version of Python. However, if we patch 2.7,
we might as well patch this to maintain consistency. (Patching 3.2 will
not break anything or make previously broken logic work differently, so
it is safe)
msg114681 - (view) Author: Mark Dickinson (mark.dickinson) * (Python committer) Date: 2010-08-22 16:35
I'll take a look at this.
msg114907 - (view) Author: Mark Dickinson (mark.dickinson) * (Python committer) Date: 2010-08-25 13:48
Thanks for the patches.  The general idea looks fine to me.  Comments:

- I'd like to see a doc entry indicating that float inputs to setframerate get rounded to the nearest integer.

- In 3.x, the extra int() isn't necessary:  round() returns an integer anyway.

Neil, if you're still following, and are interested in updating the patches, please go ahead.  Otherwise I'll fix things up and then commit in a week or two.
msg114911 - (view) Author: Neil Tallim (Red HamsterX) Date: 2010-08-25 14:22
The differences are small enough that it probably doesn't matter which one of us makes the extra changes.

It'll take one step less for you to implement them while applying the fixes, so it's probably easiest if I leave that in your court. Thanks for asking if I had anything to add, though, Mark. :)

The docs-update could probably be something as simple as...

    Set the frame rate to n. Fractional inputs are rounded to the nearest integer.

That's pretty consistent with the way the rest of the documentation for this module has been written.
msg115158 - (view) Author: Mark Dickinson (mark.dickinson) * (Python committer) Date: 2010-08-28 17:24
Thanks, Neil.  Committed to py3k in r84341.  I'm a little reluctant to backport this to the maintenance branches, though, since it is a behaviour change, and it doesn't seem to me to be a critical bug fix.  Any thoughts?
msg115159 - (view) Author: Mark Dickinson (mark.dickinson) * (Python committer) Date: 2010-08-28 17:27
I also meant to add that I left the int() call in, for slightly obscure reasons:  round doesn't currently return an int for all numeric types---it does for ints, floats and Decimal instances, but not for Fraction instances (arguably a defect of the fractions module, but that's another issue).  The 'int' doesn't seem like a huge extra cost, and it's conceivable that people might use Fraction for framerates, so it seemed safer to leave it in.
msg115162 - (view) Author: Neil Tallim (Red HamsterX) Date: 2010-08-28 17:41
I use the wave module a fair bit and never once encountered this issue, so, yeah, it's probably a pretty low priority for backporting.

It's definitely an edge-case sort of thing, the likes of which anyone affected has already handled in their application-level code. This just makes expected behaviour default behaviour -- if an int is already going in, as would be the case if someone is pre-processing their inputs as a workaround in existing code, it shouldn't change anything.
msg115164 - (view) Author: Mark Dickinson (mark.dickinson) * (Python committer) Date: 2010-08-28 17:57
Thanks for the feedback.  I'm going to make an executive decision not to backport.  Closing.
Date User Action Args
2022-04-11 14:56:18adminsetgithub: 43554
2010-08-28 17:57:22mark.dickinsonsetstatus: open -> closed

messages: + msg115164
2010-08-28 17:41:05Red HamsterXsetstatus: pending -> open

messages: + msg115162
2010-08-28 17:27:57mark.dickinsonsetstatus: open -> pending
2010-08-28 17:27:46mark.dickinsonsetstatus: pending -> open

messages: + msg115159
2010-08-28 17:24:48mark.dickinsonsetstatus: open -> pending
resolution: fixed
messages: + msg115158

stage: patch review -> resolved
2010-08-25 14:22:09Red HamsterXsetmessages: + msg114911
2010-08-25 13:48:44mark.dickinsonsetmessages: + msg114907
2010-08-22 16:35:01mark.dickinsonsetassignee: mark.dickinson

messages: + msg114681
nosy: + mark.dickinson
2010-08-22 11:04:23BreamoreBoysetstage: test needed -> patch review
versions: + Python 3.1
2009-07-29 00:27:01Red HamsterXsetfiles: + 1512791[3.2].diff

messages: + msg91027
2009-07-29 00:23:58Red HamsterXsetfiles: + 1512791[2.7].diff

type: enhancement -> behavior
versions: + Python 3.2
keywords: + patch
nosy: + Red HamsterX

messages: + msg91026
2009-03-30 05:56:47ajaksu2setpriority: normal -> low
stage: test needed
type: enhancement
versions: + Python 2.7
2006-06-26 15:16:36gpkcreate