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Title: IDLE fails to launch after 46272 (2.4 with 2.5 IDLE)
Type: Stage:
Components: IDLE Versions: Python 2.4
Status: closed Resolution: not a bug
Dependencies: Superseder:
Assigned To: kbk Nosy List: bbands, kbk
Priority: normal Keywords:

Created on 2006-06-27 21:18 by bbands, last changed 2022-04-11 14:56 by admin. This issue is now closed.

Messages (2)
msg28952 - (view) Author: John Bollinger (bbands) Date: 2006-06-27 21:18
As of revision 46805 IDLE fails silently on launch. If
launched from a command prompt the following output is

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 2, in ?
    import idlelib.PyShell
  File "D:\Python24\lib\idlelib\", line 27, in ?
    from EditorWindow import EditorWindow, fixwordbreaks
  File "D:\Python24\lib\idlelib\", line
42, in ?
    class EditorWindow(object):
  File "D:\Python24\lib\idlelib\", line
47, in EditorWindow
    import Bindings
  File "D:\Python24\lib\idlelib\", line 109,
in ?
    default_keydefs = idleConf.GetCurrentKeySet()
  File "D:\Python24\lib\idlelib\", line
499, in GetCurrentKeySet

    result = self.GetKeySet(self.CurrentKeys())
  File "D:\Python24\lib\idlelib\", line
519, in GetKeySet
  File "D:\Python24\lib\idlelib\", line
377, in GetExtensions
  File "D:\Python24\lib\idlelib\", line
410, in RemoveKeyBindNames
    if name.endswith(('_bindings', '_cfgBindings')):
TypeError: expected a character buffer object
msg28953 - (view) Author: Kurt B. Kaiser (kbk) * (Python committer) Date: 2006-07-17 17:40
Logged In: YES 

It appears that you are running a mixed system
on XP: Python 2.4 and IDLE from the repository.

At 46805 IDLE was modified to reflect new syntax:

"Make use of new str.startswith/endswith semantics.
Occurences in email and compiler were ignored due to 
backwards compat requirements."

The change is:

My suggestion would be to move to 2.5b2, now
available.  Otherwise, modify your
source to revert this change locally.
Date User Action Args
2022-04-11 14:56:18adminsetgithub: 43563
2006-06-27 21:18:35bbandscreate