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Title: popen fix for multiple quoted arguments
Type: Stage:
Components: Interpreter Core Versions:
Status: closed Resolution: out of date
Dependencies: Superseder:
Assigned To: mhammond Nosy List: bquinlan, gvanrossum, loewis, mhammond, tim.peters
Priority: normal Keywords: patch

Created on 2001-09-30 00:34 by bquinlan, last changed 2022-04-10 16:04 by admin. This issue is now closed.

File name Uploaded Description Edit
popen.patch bquinlan, 2001-09-30 00:34 Patch for popen on Windows
popen2.patch bquinlan, 2001-10-05 07:54 Force usage of cmd.exe or COMMAND.COM
Messages (13)
msg37741 - (view) Author: Brian Quinlan (bquinlan) * (Python committer) Date: 2001-09-30 00:34
In a Windows version of Python, try the following:

os.popen('"<path-of-exe" "path-of-arg"'>.read()

cmd.exe will misinterpret the command string because 
it strips the first and last quote in the command 
string (cmd.exe /? for details).

This patch does a few things:

1. it encloses the command string sent to cmd.exe in 
quotes and uses the /S switch

2. if the shell is not or cmd.exe, it 
passes the -c switch to the shell (this makes popen 
work if the user's shell is bash, sh, etc.)

3. changes the variables s1, s2 and s3 to cmdPath, 
completeCmd and cmdArgs
msg37742 - (view) Author: Guido van Rossum (gvanrossum) * (Python committer) Date: 2001-09-30 18:46
Logged In: YES 

Tim, whaddayathink? Or is this for Mark?
msg37743 - (view) Author: Brian Quinlan (bquinlan) * (Python committer) Date: 2001-09-30 20:11
Logged In: YES 

Mark understands the issue; I've already talked to him 
about this. 

Another thing that I should have noted is that this patch 
does NOT ensure backwards compatibility. Any scripts that 
manually quote their command strings, to work around this 
problem, will break.
msg37744 - (view) Author: Tim Peters (tim.peters) * (Python committer) Date: 2001-10-01 22:36
Logged In: YES 

Assigned to MarkH for further pondering.

I like giving vrbls useful names  The rest seems highly 

+ Catering to non-MS shells ("-c" vs "/C") is a fine idea, 
but what about 4DOS or 4NT, or other non-MS shells that 
also expect /C?  It looks like this patch will kill people 
using them.

- It's not backwards compatible regardless of shell (as 
Brian pointed out).

- It's surprising to anyone who has read the cmd docs and 
expects cmd.exe to work as documented (by MS).

- Since it's unique to Python's popen, a command string 
that works for popen() may break if passed to os.system() 
instead, and vice versa, and maybe for os.startfile() too.

Other things bug me, but I'll stop there <wink>.  The MS 
shells are a godawful mess, and it would really be nice to 
supply a rational x-platform "virtual shell" syntax (as Tcl 
does for its "exec" cmd).  Short of that, I'm not sure a 
collection of inconsistent and undocumented hacks is 
actually progress; as is, Python's behavior is at least 
predictable from reading the MS docs and/or playing with C 
programs under MSVC.
msg37745 - (view) Author: Brian Quinlan (bquinlan) * (Python committer) Date: 2001-10-02 00:43
Logged In: YES 

Tim, I don't disagree with your first point; without 
specific knowledge of each shell, you really have to guess 
what the correct shell arguments format is. There are two 
ways that we can work around that:

1. remove those two lines of code in my patch that do the 
special case
2. special case bash and sh (at least bash please) and 
use /C for the other cases

I disagree with everything else :-)

The command:
bash "ls" "/usr/bin" 

will NOT work on UNIX. Just like typing: 
cmd /c "copy" "c:\..." "c:\..."

won't work. So the UNIX popen implementation must be doing 
the moral equivalent of quoting the entire command string. 
So the current behavior is suprising and inconsistent 
accross platforms.

I don't think that we can do anything with regards to 
backwards compatibility but I think that the cost/benifit 
favours fixing the problem i.e. accepting my patch :-)
msg37746 - (view) Author: Tim Peters (tim.peters) * (Python committer) Date: 2001-10-02 02:12
Logged In: YES 

Special-casing bash instead (+ other shells known to need 
it) to use -c would be fine.

I *expect* os.system and os.popen to work differently 
across platforms, because both depend crucially on the 
platform shell spawned to crack the cmdline.  Tcl's "exec" 
(which I mentioned before) has the only good solution to 
this I'm aware of, via getting the platform shells out of 
the equation entirely (even on Unix).  Python does nothing 
of the sort, and the more undocumented tricks are stuffed 
into it, the more baffling it gets when things go wrong (as 
they often will, and especially on Windows).

I didn't understand the point to noting that

    bash "ls" "/usr/bin"

won't work on Unix.  Neither will

    bash ls /usr/bin

The quotes are irrelevant here, yes?  Python isn't adding 
quotes to things, or deleting them, anyway.  Note that if 
you write your own copy.bat,

   command /c "copy" "whatever1" "whatever2"

does work fine on Win9x (  It doesn't work 
with the Windows copy solely because copy is a 
builtin -- and you can't hide arbitrary platform crap like 
that from users either.
msg37747 - (view) Author: Brian Quinlan (bquinlan) * (Python committer) Date: 2001-10-02 02:51
Logged In: YES 

Sorry, I was sloppy about my point (I missed the -c 
switch). Here is dump from my UNIX box:

[93:~] brian% sh -c "ls" "/usr"
Desktop      Documents    Movies       Pictures     
Sites        bash-2.05
Dev          Library      Music        Public       Wolf MP 
Test setiathome
[93:~] brian% sh -c ""ls" "/usr""
bin        lib        local      share
include    libexec    sbin       standalone
[93:~] brian% python
>>> import os
>>> os.popen("ls /usr").read()

You will notice that the results from Python are inline 
with the quoted invocation of sh -c. And "man popen" on my 
box says that "This command is passed to /bin/sh using the -
c flag;..." so presumably popen is quoting the arguments 
(Windows _popen doesn't though, I checked).

And I didn't change the COMMAND.COM behavior - I think that 
it is a special case that is too broken to fix and will, 
with any luck, will die soon.
msg37748 - (view) Author: Brian Quinlan (bquinlan) * (Python committer) Date: 2001-10-03 05:48
Logged In: YES 

How about this as an alternate implementation: if we are 
running on a Windows version that should have cmd.exe, we 
just execute that and ignore COMSPEC? 

Notice how popen on UNIX runs sh, not your prefered shell.
msg37749 - (view) Author: Guido van Rossum (gvanrossum) * (Python committer) Date: 2001-10-03 11:55
Logged In: YES 

msg37750 - (view) Author: Brian Quinlan (bquinlan) * (Python committer) Date: 2001-10-05 07:53
Logged In: YES 

OK, here is a version of popen for Windows that always uses 
cmd.exe on WinNT and always uses COMMAND.COM on Win9x.

I have tested the W9x code path on my W2K box but not on a 
real W9x box.
msg37751 - (view) Author: Tim Peters (tim.peters) * (Python committer) Date: 2001-10-05 18:40
Logged In: YES 

Back to Mark -- still want his take on this.

My take:  Guido also seems attracted to the Unixish purity 
of insisting on a specific shell, but because the MS shells 
suck I am not.  People pay good money to get replacement 
shells (line 4NT) on Windows, and we're going to break 
their Python code if we don't respect COMSPEC, as MS system
() and _popen() respect it (and as Python *has* respected 
it so far).

The difference between Unix and Windows is that /bin/sh is 
adequate to all tasks, just a little feature-starved 
compared to some of the alternatives.  But the std Windows 
shells are inadequate, and MS goes out of its way to let 
users plug in alternatives.  In the absence of Python 
supplying its own adequate shell (as Tcl does), so it goes.
msg37752 - (view) Author: Brian Quinlan (bquinlan) * (Python committer) Date: 2001-10-05 20:02
Logged In: YES 

What's wrong with cmd.exe? The only thing that bothers me 
about it is that you can't quote built-in commands.

In any case, what you want depends on your usage scenario: 

1. If you control COMSPEC or only care that it works on 
systems where COMSPEC points to a MS-compatible shell (or a 
few shells that we special-case) then you want patch #1
2. If you want your script to behave consistanty accross 
platforms and Windows installations then patch #2 is the 
one that you want
3. If you've already quoted the entire command string in 
all of your popen calls then you don't want either patch
BTW, system annoys me too and I'll probably investigate a 

>>> os.system('"ls" "c:\\"')
'ls" "c:\' is not recognized as an internal or external 
operable program or batch file.

C:\>"ls" "c:\"
[correct results]

Anyway, I'll leave it to the smart people to decide which 
way is best. If you end up going with #2 then I'll resubmit 
my patch such that MS shell compatibility is assumed by 
default and other shells are special-cased.
msg37753 - (view) Author: Martin v. Löwis (loewis) * (Python committer) Date: 2003-10-05 08:53
Logged In: YES 

I'm rejecting the patch, for the following reasons:
1. It is outdated (i.e. it doesn't apply cleanly)
2. It does not work for me on XP: Even if I put double-quotes
    around the string and use /s, I still don't get the program

bquinlan, if you are still interested in this change, please
produce a new patch, and test it on various systems. It
appears that there is still the desire to use COMSPEC, so
you should probably check whether COMPSPEC has cmd.exe as a
substring before passing /s.
Date User Action Args
2022-04-10 16:04:29adminsetgithub: 35251
2001-09-30 00:34:05bquinlancreate