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Title: ftplib: ftp anonymous password
Type: Stage:
Components: Library (Lib) Versions:
Status: closed Resolution: accepted
Dependencies: Superseder:
Assigned To: loewis Nosy List: eperez, gvanrossum, loewis
Priority: normal Keywords: patch

Created on 2001-12-28 20:30 by eperez, last changed 2022-04-10 16:04 by admin. This issue is now closed.

File name Uploaded Description Edit
python2.2-ftplib-nospam.diff eperez, 2001-12-28 20:30 python2.2-ftplib-nospam
Messages (4)
msg38593 - (view) Author: Eduardo Perez Ureta (eperez) Date: 2001-12-28 20:30
I've seen that ftplib sends the user name when doing
ANONYMOUS ftp gets.
I see a lot of problems:
- Sending the user name if the user doesn't know that
it's sent doesn't protect the user state of ANONYMOUS
- Spyware is not a good idea, most users don't like it.
- Sending the user name helps SPAM instead of stopping
it. Many ftp sites use this information to send you
unsolicited email.
- Sending the user name doesn't help ftp sites to know
who the cracker is, crackers are not stupid to send
their email address.
- Sending the user name can be used to discriminate the

By all of these reasons I argue that ftplib to don't
send the user email by default.

Some time ago two very important ftp clients wget and
lftp stopped sending the user name as password based on
my input.

As more and more ftp clients are moving to this
anonymous@ password (for example the kde kio ftp, qt3,
gnome-xml, Net::FTP)
I recommend you to apply the patch.

I send you the bugfix.
msg38594 - (view) Author: Guido van Rossum (gvanrossum) * (Python committer) Date: 2001-12-28 20:55
Logged In: YES 

Thanks! You're right. Checked in as 1.63.

msg38595 - (view) Author: Martin v. Löwis (loewis) * (Python committer) Date: 2003-05-19 22:33
Logged In: YES 

Backport to 2.2.
msg38596 - (view) Author: Martin v. Löwis (loewis) * (Python committer) Date: 2003-05-20 06:17
Logged In: YES 

Backport committed as
Date User Action Args
2022-04-10 16:04:50adminsetgithub: 35842
2001-12-28 20:30:34eperezcreate