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Title: and unquote fixes
Type: Stage:
Components: Library (Lib) Versions: Python 2.3
Status: closed Resolution: fixed
Dependencies: Superseder:
Assigned To: jlgijsbers Nosy List: jlgijsbers, quinn_dunkan
Priority: low Keywords: patch

Created on 2002-06-24 16:21 by quinn_dunkan, last changed 2022-04-10 16:05 by admin. This issue is now closed.

File name Uploaded Description Edit
cgi.diff quinn_dunkan, 2002-06-24 16:21
rfc822.diff quinn_dunkan, 2002-06-24 16:24
Messages (3)
msg40411 - (view) Author: Quinn Dunkan (quinn_dunkan) Date: 2002-06-24 16:21
This makes cgi.parse_header() properly unquote header
parameters.  E.g.,
given a header:

content-disposition: attachment;

parse_header() should return ('attachment',
{'filename': 'weird\\file"name'}),
but the current parse_header() just strips the ""s, it
doesn't unquote the \s,
so you get too many \s in the output.

This could possibly use rfc822.unquote, but
rfc822.unquote doesn't unquote \s
either!  This looks like a bug since immediately
preceeding the definition of
rfc822.unquote is

# XXX Should fix unquote() and quote() to be really

The email package uses rfc822.unquote, which means its
has the "too many \s" problem.  So maybe I'll include a
patch for as
well, and send a patch to Barry for email/

A quick glance through RFC 822 sheds no light on the
use of <> for quoted
*strings*, only for addr-spec.  So I'm not sure what
kind of quoting goes in
in them, and "none" seems a reasonable guess, so I
didn't change it.

So does that make unquote() "really conformant"?  Dunno...

I've got this feeling like is sort of
supposed to be subsumed by the
email package anyway...

Oh, and according to the RFC, the other thing not
allowed in ""s
is newline, but I wasn't sure if that was quoted with a
\.  If so, that's
an easy fix.  I have a feeling newlines in quoted
strings aren't a
great idea anyway since, even if legal, many simple parsers
will probably not like them.
msg40412 - (view) Author: Johannes Gijsbers (jlgijsbers) * (Python triager) Date: 2004-08-13 09:30
Logged In: YES 

rfc822 and email have been fixed a while ago, but
cgi.parse_header() still needs to be fixed. I've submitted a
less intrusive patch at
msg40413 - (view) Author: Johannes Gijsbers (jlgijsbers) * (Python triager) Date: 2004-08-14 15:41
Logged In: YES 

cgi.parse_header() has now been fixed as well (rev 1.80).
Thanks for the report!
Date User Action Args
2022-04-10 16:05:26adminsetgithub: 36792
2002-06-24 16:21:32quinn_dunkancreate