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Title: LDFLAGS ignored in Makefile
Type: Stage:
Components: Build Versions: Python 2.3
Status: closed Resolution: fixed
Dependencies: Superseder:
Assigned To: nnorwitz Nosy List: nnorwitz, randydavis1
Priority: normal Keywords:

Created on 2003-09-29 03:51 by randydavis1, last changed 2022-04-10 16:11 by admin. This issue is now closed.

Messages (3)
msg18413 - (view) Author: Randy Davis (randydavis1) Date: 2003-09-29 03:51
Under IRIX 6.3 gcc 3.2.2, building python results in the 
normal IRIX o32/n32 stupidity. However, attempting to 
correct it by specifying LDFLAGS of -n32 is ignored.  
Inspecting the Makefile produced by configure shows 
that the environment variable LDFLAGS is properly 
imported and is set as the environment variable is set (in 
this case; "LDFLAGS = -n32").  **HOWEVER**, it is 
NEVER used on any "ld" command line.

I was able to fix it by changing the lines:

LDSHARED=       ld  -shared -all
BLDSHARED=      ld  -shared -all


LDSHARED=       ld  -shared -all $(LDFLAGS)
BLDSHARED=      ld  -shared -all $(LDFLAGS)

While I do not profess that this is the best way to fix it, 
I do note that the LDFLAGS Makefile variable seems to 
be ignored unless this is done.  Making this change got 
rid of the FATAL ld errors complaining about expecting 
o32 binaries but getting n32 versions.
msg18414 - (view) Author: Neal Norwitz (nnorwitz) * (Python committer) Date: 2005-10-02 06:30
Logged In: YES 

Looking in I see that LDFLAGS is used to
link with.  If you are still having problems, please re-open.
msg18415 - (view) Author: Neal Norwitz (nnorwitz) * (Python committer) Date: 2005-10-03 01:06
Logged In: YES 

Looking in I see that LDFLAGS is used to
link with.  If you are still having problems, please re-open.
Date User Action Args
2022-04-10 16:11:27adminsetgithub: 39323
2003-09-29 03:51:12randydavis1create