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Title: tempfile.mkstemp() documentation discrepancy
Type: Stage:
Components: Library (Lib) Versions: Python 2.3
Status: closed Resolution:
Dependencies: Superseder:
Assigned To: Nosy List: nbastin, otterley
Priority: normal Keywords:

Created on 2004-03-25 06:06 by otterley, last changed 2022-04-11 14:56 by admin. This issue is now closed.

Messages (3)
msg20308 - (view) Author: Michael S. Fischer (otterley) Date: 2004-03-25 06:06
The documentation for tempfile.mkstemp() at
tempfile.html (as well as the ActivePython 
documentation that ships with the Windows 2.3 build) 

"mkstemp() returns a tuple containing an OS-level 
handle to an open file (as would be returned by
()) and the absolute pathname of that file, in that order."

However, whenever I use it, it returns a tuple containing 
an integer (presumably the file descriptor) and the 
absolute pathname of the tempfile.  No file handle is 

Sure enough, the in-line documentation states:

"The return value is a pair (fd, name) where fd is the file 
descriptor returned by, and name is the 

Could someone please correct this discrepancy?
msg20309 - (view) Author: Nick Bastin (nbastin) * (Python committer) Date: 2004-03-26 18:47
Logged In: YES 

As noted in the documentation, it returns a
file descriptor, which seems to make the mkstemp()
documentation perfectly reasonable (and correct).
msg20310 - (view) Author: Michael S. Fischer (otterley) Date: 2004-03-27 02:32
Logged In: YES 

The documentation could be a bit clearer.  When I think of a 
file descriptor in python, I think of a file-like object, i.e. that 
which is returned by open(), as opposed to  

It's unclear to me why mkstemp() returns an os-level file 
descriptor as opposed to a Python file-like object, but I 
suppose that's beside the point.

I'll close the bug, though, because the documentation is 
literally correct, and the team has more urgent priorities.
Date User Action Args
2022-04-11 14:56:03adminsetgithub: 40076
2004-03-25 06:06:23otterleycreate