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Python 2.4.5

Release Date: March 11, 2008

Python 2.4 is now in security-fix-only mode. No new features are being added, and bugs are not fixed anymore unless they affect the stability and security of the interpreter, or of Python applications. This release includes just a small number of fixes, primarily preventing crashes of the interpreter in certain boundary cases.

Python 2.5 is the latest release of Python. This release of the older 2.4 code is to provide bug fixes for people who are still using Python 2.4. This is the last planned release in the Python 2.4 series - future maintenance releases of Python will be in the 2.5 series, starting of course with 2.5.1.

We have decided not to include binaries for Windows or OS X in this release, nor to update any online documentation, as the overhead for doing so would have greatly outweighed the amount of changes that we release. If you need the security fixes included in this release, please build your own binaries from the sources, or (better) upgrade to a more recent Python release for which we still do provide binaries and documentation updates.

See the detailed release notes for more details.

Since the release candidate, we received various reports that the this release may fail to build on current operating systems, in particular on OS X. We have made no attempt to fix these problems, as the release is targeted for systems that were current at the time Python 2.4 was originally released. For more recent systems, you might have to come up with work-arounds. For OS X in particular, try invoking:


For more information on the new features of Python 2.4 see the 2.4 highlights or consult Andrew Kuchling's What's New In Python for a more detailed view.

Please see the separate bugs page for known issues and the bug reporting procedure.

See also the license

Download the release

gzip-compressed source code: python-2.4.5.tgz

bzip2-compressed source code: python-2.4.5.tar.bz2, the source archive.

The bzip2-compressed version is considerably smaller, so get that one if your system has the appropriate tools to deal with it.

Unpack the archive with tar -zxvf Python-2.4.5.tgz (or bzcat Python-2.4.5.tar.bz2 | tar -xf -). Change to the Python-2.4.5 directory and run the "./configure", "make", "make install" commands to compile and install Python. The source archive is also suitable for Windows users who feel the need to build their own version.

What's New?

  • See the highlights of the Python 2.4 release.
  • Andrew Kuchling's What's New in Python 2.4 describes the most visible changes since Python 2.3 in more detail.
  • A detailed list of the changes in 2.4.5 can be found in the release notes, or the Misc/NEWS file in the source distribution.
  • For the full list of changes, you can poke around in Subversion.


The documentation has also been updated:

Files, MD5 checksums, signatures and sizes

750b652bfdd12675e102bbe25e5e9893 Python-2.4.5.tgz (9625509 bytes, signature)

aade3958cb097cc1c69ae0074297d359 Python-2.4.5.tar.bz2 (8159705 bytes, signature)

The signatures above were generated with GnuPG using release manager Martin v. Löwis's public key which has a key id of 7D9DC8D2.

Full Changelog


Version Operating System Description MD5 Sum File Size GPG
Gzipped source tarball Source release 7fadaad5841135faca962c69f5616c9b 37.9 MB SIG
bzip2 compressed source tarball Source release aade3958cb097cc1c69ae0074297d359 7.8 MB SIG