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Python 3.2.3

Release Date: April 10, 2012

Note: A newer security-fix release, 3.2.6, is currently available. Its use is recommended.

Python 3.2.3 was released on April 10, 2012. It includes fixes for several reported security issues: issue 13703 (CVE-2012-1150, hash collision denial of service), issue 14234 (CVE-2012-0876, Expat hash collision denial of service), issue 14001 (CVE-2012-0845, SimpleXMLRPCServer denial of service), and issue 13885 (CVE-2011-3389, disabling of the CBC IV attack countermeasure in the _ssl module).

Python 3.2 is a continuation of the efforts to improve and stabilize the Python 3.x line. Since the final release of Python 2.7, the 2.x line will only receive bugfixes, and new features are developed for 3.x only.

Since PEP 3003, the Moratorium on Language Changes, is in effect, there are no changes in Python's syntax and only few changes to built-in types in Python 3.2. Development efforts concentrated on the standard library and support for porting code to Python 3. Highlights are:

  • numerous improvements to the unittest module
  • PEP 3147, support for .pyc repository directories
  • PEP 3149, support for version tagged dynamic libraries
  • PEP 3148, a new futures library for concurrent programming
  • PEP 384, a stable ABI for extension modules
  • PEP 391, dictionary-based logging configuration
  • an overhauled GIL implementation that reduces contention
  • an extended email package that handles bytes messages
  • a much improved ssl module with support for SSL contexts and certificate hostname matching
  • a sysconfig module to access configuration information
  • additions to the shutil module, among them archive file support
  • many enhancements to configparser, among them mapping protocol support
  • improvements to pdb, the Python debugger
  • countless fixes regarding bytes/string issues; among them full support for a bytes environment (filenames, environment variables)
  • many consistency and behavior fixes for numeric operations

See these resources for further information:


This is a production release. Please report any bugs you encounter.

We currently support these formats for download:

The source tarballs are signed with Georg Brandl's key, which has a key id of 36580288; the fingerprint is 26DE A9D4 6133 91EF 3E25 C9FF 0A5B 1018 3658 0288. The Windows installer was signed by Martin von Löwis' public key, which has a key id of 7D9DC8D2. The Mac installers were signed with Ned Deily's key, which has a key id of 6F5E1540. The public keys are located on the download page.

MD5 checksums and sizes of the released files:

dcf3a738e7028f1deb41b180bf0e2cbc  12787688  Python-3.2.3.tgz
cea34079aeb2e21e7b60ee82a0ac286b  10743046  Python-3.2.3.tar.bz2
187564726f2c1473d301c586acc24847   8970368  Python-3.2.3.tar.xz
389836f8b9d39e1366cb05e6ae302bd7  19550807  python-3.2.3-macosx10.3.dmg
778b4038cbd4471e409942d4148effea  16229112  python-3.2.3-macosx10.6.dmg
d8ef37dc27ca7f8625327c4696aa5942  18307042
a8199051a911466ee5585ede15893acd  20063304
01aae7d96fa1c5a585f596b20233c6eb  18554880  python-3.2.3.amd64.msi
c176c60e6d780773e3085ee824b3078b  17829888  python-3.2.3.msi
caaeaaa161de6819c10a5a8b0b208e40   5769675  python323.chm
[1]The binaries for AMD64 will also work on processors that implement the Intel 64 architecture (formerly EM64T), i.e. the architecture that Microsoft calls x64, and AMD called x86-64 before calling it AMD64. They will not work on Intel Itanium Processors (formerly IA-64).
[2](1, 2) There is important information about IDLE, Tkinter, and Tcl/Tk on Mac OS X here. Also, on Mac OS X 10.6, if you need to build C extension modules with the 32-bit-only Python installed, you will need Apple Xcode 3, not 4. The 64-bit/32-bit Python can use either Xcode 3 or Xcode 4.

Full Changelog


Version Operating System Description MD5 Sum File Size GPG
Gzipped source tarball Source release 5539bfce2313e5fc9850ff90d2aca4d1 53.4 MB SIG
XZ compressed source tarball Source release 187564726f2c1473d301c586acc24847 8.6 MB SIG
bzip2 compressed source tarball Source release cea34079aeb2e21e7b60ee82a0ac286b 10.2 MB SIG
Mac OS X 32-bit i386/PPC installer macOS for Mac OS X 10.3 and later 389836f8b9d39e1366cb05e6ae302bd7 18.6 MB SIG
Mac OS X 64-bit/32-bit installer macOS for Mac OS X 10.6 and later 778b4038cbd4471e409942d4148effea 15.5 MB SIG
Windows help file Windows caaeaaa161de6819c10a5a8b0b208e40 5.5 MB SIG
Windows debug information files Windows d8ef37dc27ca7f8625327c4696aa5942 17.5 MB SIG
Windows x86 MSI installer Windows c176c60e6d780773e3085ee824b3078b 17.0 MB SIG
Windows x86-64 MSI installer Windows for AMD64/EM64T/x64 01aae7d96fa1c5a585f596b20233c6eb 17.7 MB SIG